
Virus is in

                                                                      virus is in        Viruses, fungus, and bacteria are all around us no matter where we go it is something that we can't run from it, but to try to deal with it and find ways to stay calm and relax from it by consuming healthy things in  my experience drinking herbal teas and organic remedies help At the moment of cold and flu, we just hear covid obviously sometimes I question whether is it a distraction of some sort   I feel that humans must be more mindful of our own beautiful bodies but I think that sometimes we know our bodies and we must listen to our inner world I finally got tested and I got covid what a surprise well that was my fault I won't deny it now my job is to quarantine myself and  w...


Blessing When I wake up sometimes I say thank you for allowing me and my family to be ok at this very moment, listening to the birds singing away, looking at the plants in front of me, and being grateful for what I have.  I like to Send blessings to everyone in the whole world from bacteria, animals, humans, friends, family, and humans who cannot be protected. Protect the newborns, innocence, from violence, abuse, and manipulation. Try not to let negative energy affect us and others, but embrace those negative emotions to better ourselves for the next day. Let her sage flow along with your soul to breathe and relax along with her, remember that you are not alone and no one is perfect it is all about trying to live the best as we can to grow and learn. "Remember why you came here Remember your life is sacred " peia Luzzi  Julie M 8/11/21

Question of not giving up

Question of not giving up There is something I am trying to figure out  not giving up there is something mysterious about it still being able to wake up and try to continue to move, think and walk on this universe, what is it? Is it Art  is it my plants is it, love  What motivates you to get up in the morning? is it food? is it the person sleeping right next to you is it the need to use the restroom is it a goal is it just merely that we just don't notice when we get up,  Questioning helps merely to know yourself more and grow as a human being, so what motivates you not to give up on life? Julie M, 8/12/2021


Universe You are the universe of your own body, mind, and spirit, don't let anyone take that away from you so create your own universe that is untouchable Julie, M 10/30/2020

Poem "Energy"

Energy  The energy in your body  escalates and then it de-escalates  when it's hot and when it's cold  when you're anxious and when you're relaxed  your energy has its cycle whether we choose or not it's there The Energy in your mind  Assimilates and then vanishes when it rises and then it rejects focused and then distracted be in the here and now can  help find peace in your mind  The energy in your spirit levitates and then it declines  it flows  above us and below us when you're in peace then you are in wonder  flow with the wind learn to let go and your intuition will grow Our energies are powerful and delicate because each of these energies is connected, if you pull one energy out then it starts to imbalance with the other energies Be free and flow eternity Julie M, 4/24/2020

Poem "Death is life life is death"

Death is life life is death Death is an art in a way that we express ourselves differently,  Death is a part of life that creates pain, sorrow, and peace,  Like the natural history of Greece,  learning from the stars above us looking down below us as we try to make sense of life.  The roots of the tree that looks like the branches  with leaves reaching out for our different souls of every element in this world creating a coil of death.   In this world, there is different culture and roots of our ancestors above us that has created this path  History that we must learn and understand who we are individually.  Julie M, March 5,2018

Poem "Panic"

Panic Panic is the ultimate manic to explode your brain that stresses through your body let nature take you to her winds Panic in your veins pumping in and out of your skin passing through your equilibrium let nature balance the feelings of  fear Panic runs through your nerves creating anxiety in all your elements in you let nature take you to the unknown Panic will cause confusion  it won't let you breathe let nature breathe for you  Panic will start slowing down just remember to take a step back let nature open your soul to awaken you  Panic is going to be in control  once you start breathing Nature is the ultimate cure for all emotions because nature is in you Julie M, 3/19/2020